March 11-12, 2024 or July 22-23, 2024
This is an intensive training session (via Zoom) done over two days with three hours each dayDay, when used in the Claims Procedures, means calendar day. More. March and July sessions cover the same material so just enrollEnroll (enrolled, enrolling, enrollment) means to submit, and be accepted by the plan administrator, a complete and signed application for Plan coverage in accordance with the rules in the Eligibility chapter. More in one set of sessions. We cover all things Retirement and is geared to those who work with any aspect of the Defined Benefit (DBThe retirement plan in the form of a pension that applies to denominational service up through the year 1999. More), Defined Contribution (DCThe retirement plan that applies to denominational service after the year 1999. More), and SHARPSHARP means the Supplemental Healthcare, Adventist Retirement Plan and the plan of benefit options described in the current SHARP document. More healthcare assistance Plans. The presenters represent leaders of these plans. Topics include policies, the application process, rules of SHARPSHARP means the Supplemental Healthcare, Adventist Retirement Plan and the plan of benefit options described in the current SHARP document. More and how to on-board a new employee for the Empower contributions.