Adventist Retirement administers the Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution Retirement Plans, and the Supplemental Healthcare Adventist Retirement PlanAdventist Retirement Plan means the Seventh-day Adventist Retirement Plan of the North American Division and Auxiliary Benefits and the Adventist Retirement Plan. More (SHARPSHARP means the Supplemental Healthcare, Adventist Retirement Plan and the plan of benefit options described in the current SHARP document. More) for eligible North American Division denominational workers and retirees.
Our Vision
Inspire SERVICE through effectiveness, efficiency, training, education, resources & financial stewardship on behalf of our planPlan means this SHARP Pre-Medicare/Non-Medicare Plan. More participants
Our Motto
With you on the journey
Our Core Values
This is our commitment – to the Glory of God and to those we serve:
• Crystal-Clear Communication
• Trustworthy Character
• Standout Service
• Wise Stewardship
A message from Edwin G. Romero, CEO/Administrator
Adventist Retirement administers eight retirement plans, serves more than 170 employers across the North American Division with over 35,000 participants. You, our participants—employees, employers, and retirees—are our mission field. Our job is to minister to your needs by giving you the tools and resources for a “more abundant life” in retirement. We’re with you on the journey!